I look toward the world I want for all children—and my own. My greatest hope is that my son andmy daughter will be able to choose what to do with their lives without external or internal obstaclesslowing them down or making them question their choices. If my son wants to do the important workof raising children full-time, I hope he is respected and supported. And if my daughter wants to workfull-time outside her home, I hope she is not just respected
a police shieldcould hold me upside down and drainmy gutschange your mindand supported, but also liked for herachievements.
I hope they both end up exactly where they want to be. And when they find where their truepassions lie, I hope they both lean in—all the way.
Let’s Keep Talking …
My goal is that this book is not the end of the conversation, but the beginning.
I invite you to continue the discussion with me by joining the Lean In Community atwww.facebook.com/leaninorg. Let’s keep talking about these issues and supporting one another.
Women and men of all ages are welcome.
I also encourage you to visit www.leanin.org for practical education and personal experiences thatcan help you . Here you can explore topics critical to your success—from negotiatingeffectively to understanding your strengths. You also can create and join Lean In Circles, small peergroups that meet in person for ongoing encouragement and development.
I am grateful to the many people who believed in these ideas and gave so much of themselves to makethe publication of Lean In possible.
My deepest thanks go to my writing partner Nell Scovell. Nell and I have been working together onspeeches, starting with the 2011 Forrestal Lecture at the U.S. Naval Academy, where I first used thephrase “lean in.” When I was considering writing this book, I realized that I was willing to do it only ifNell collaborated with me. Nell responded that she was “not just in, but all in,” which says everythingabout her commitment. She took a break from her work as a television writer/producer and journalistto make this a priority. She put in nights, early mornings, weekends, and holidays to accommodate mylimited schedule. Most of all, she was insistent that we keep searching until we found the right way totalk about these complicated and emotional issues. Nell’s talent with words is matched only by hersense of humor and her unshakable belief that having more women in leadership positions will resultin a fairer and better world. I am grateful to her not just for her expertise and complete dedication, butfor her friendship, which I have come to cherish. Her heart rings true and clear on this book’s everypage.